RIA Data Center

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# of employees


High-net-worth client assets

    Total AUM


    Total accounts


    Discretionary AUM


    Avg. discretionary account AUM


    Non-discretionary AUM


    Non-discretionary accounts


    Average non-discretionary account AUM


    Avg. account AUM

    Rank Business Name Avg. account AUM Discretionary AUM Non-discretionary AUM Total AUM
    201KAIZEN FINANCIAL STRATEGIES, LLC$297,783$175,382,332$1,203,138$176,585,470
    202CARTER FINANCIAL, LLC$442,709$237,854,260$1,208,404$239,062,664
    203FORTRESS WEALTH MANAGEMENT, INC.$334,068$291,097,434$1,212,289$292,309,723
    204BOURKE WEALTH MANAGEMENT$516,562$118,950,870$1,407,966$120,358,836
    205ZRC WEALTH MANAGEMENT, LLC$479,419$282,861,747$1,433,434$284,295,181
    206FAIRBANKS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.$1,176,470$210,266,899$1,497,735$211,764,634
    207CORINTHIAN WEALTH MANAGEMENT$341,871$102,677,231$1,593,484$104,270,715
    208JACK KEETER & ASSOCIATES, INC.$207,188$193,536,034$1,634,682$195,170,716
    209NAVIGOE, LLC$572,003$304,911,718$1,681,654$306,593,372
    210SHIRA RIDGE WEALTH MANAGEMENT$362,447$242,595,181$1,694,068$244,289,249
    211PLATT WEALTH MANAGEMENT$637,583$262,218,640$1,740,848$263,959,488
    212TAX EFFICIENT ASSET MANAGEMENT SOLUTION, INC.$449,512$101,147,959$1,790,225$102,938,184
    213NERAD + DEPPE WEALTH MANAGEMENT$197,562$115,555,932$1,993,614$117,549,546
    214DASH INVESTMENTS$445,931$287,723,814$2,131,163$289,854,977
    215VICTUS CAPITAL WEALTH$416,997$218,873,753$2,134,442$221,008,195
    216SB CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.$782,394$998,540,732$2,141,194$1,000,681,926
    217GATES PASS ADVISORS, LLC$551,647$130,754,945$2,191,988$132,946,933
    218JACKSON SQUARE CAPITAL, LLC$1,044,203$392,480,442$2,228,146$394,708,588
    219GARNER FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT$352,261$122,464,061$2,236,275$124,700,336
    220FALCON WEALTH PLANNING, INC.$172,377$454,147,901$2,306,713$456,454,614
    221SYMPHONY FINANCIAL PLANNING LLC$369,132$184,320,827$2,459,719$186,780,546
    222FIDUCIARY FINANCIAL GROUP$479,957$320,976,607$2,514,102$323,490,709
    223WAVERLEY WEALTH MANAGEMENT LLC$364,885$117,151,044$2,531,323$119,682,367
    224MCNAUGHTON WEALTH MANAGEMENT, LLC$234,946$173,827,200$2,617,162$176,444,362
    225LUMINA FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS, LLC$730,232$129,541,808$2,630,172$132,171,980
    226CLEARVIEW WEALTH MANAGEMENT$220,987$117,758,000$2,680,000$120,438,000
    227MILLENNIUM INVESTMENT SERVICES$631,352$131,144,671$2,702,035$133,846,706
    228PARALLEL ADVISORS, LLC$531,351$5,440,390,425$2,766,088$5,443,156,513
    229NBS FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.$632,573$265,296,408$2,914,361$268,210,769
    230HAYES FINANCIAL, INC.$496,412$342,047,535$2,958,936$345,006,471
    231VISTA ADVISOR GROUP, LLC$361,867$168,201,869$2,961,236$171,163,105
    232MEASURED RISK PORTFOLIOS$262,639$259,110,902$3,003,242$262,114,144
    233ORIN GREEN FINANCIAL, LLC$511,369$408,489,448$3,162,608$411,652,056
    234BLOM & HOWELL FINANCIAL PLANNING, INC.$139,294$111,857,000$3,200,000$115,057,000
    235FONTE FINANCIAL ADVISORS$372,034$112,473,949$3,228,659$115,702,608
    236DOBSON ASSET MANAGEMENT$459,972$171,394,927$3,394,404$174,789,331
    237ONE DEGREE ADVISORS, INC.$229,687$289,669,210$3,411,753$293,080,963
    238MARIN WEALTH ADVISORS LLC$387,981$307,238,380$3,534,100$310,772,480
    239CARBAHAL OLSEN FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP LLC$321,098$154,292,540$3,687,496$157,980,036
    240TRAVERSO CHAMBERS PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGEMENT, LLC$453,498$465,226,086$3,690,625$468,916,711
    241PROSPERITY ROAD, LLC$1,105,162$146,542,717$3,759,336$150,302,053
    242CORE FINANCIAL$390,951$223,743,124$3,790,362$227,533,486
    243PARIAX PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGEMENT$1,277,381$130,311,000$3,814,000$134,125,000
    244PLAN FINANCIAL$246,603$182,124,123$3,814,339$185,938,462
    245LEGACY WEALTH ADVISORS, LLC$662,078$119,670,483$4,138,181$123,808,664
    246SIERRA ASSET MANAGEMENT$240,406$318,569,816$4,776,536$323,346,352
    247WOMACK WEALTH MANAGEMENT, INC.$566,466$270,331,033$4,971,321$275,302,354
    248LEWIS ASSET MANAGEMENT$312,629$135,991,199$5,004,534$140,995,733
    249ARCHVEST WEALTH ADVISORS, INC.$806,452$244,800,000$5,200,000$250,000,000
    250ECHO45 ADVISORS LLC$384,042$158,009,310$5,208,726$163,218,036
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    For more information about the RIA Data Center, please contact InvestmentNews Research.

    Reprints: For reprints of these rankings, please contact Caroline Murphy.

    *Methodology: InvestmentNews qualified 2,756 firms headquartered in the United States based on data reported on Form ADV to the Securities and Exchange Commission. To qualify, firms must have met the following criteria: (1) latest ADV filing date is either on or after January 1, 2020, (2) total AUM is at least $100M, (3) does not have employees who are registered representatives of a broker-dealer, (4) managed assets for individual clients during its most recently completed fiscal year, (5) no more than 50% of amount of regulatory assets under management is attributable to pooled investment vehicles (other than investment companies), (6) no more than 25% of amount of regulatory assets under management is attributable to pension and profit-sharing plans (but not the plan participants), (7) no more than 25% of amount of regulatory assets under management is attributable to corporations or other businesses, (8) does not receive commissions, (9) provides financial planning services, (10) is not actively engaged in business as a broker-dealer (registered or unregistered), (11) is not actively engaged in business as a registered representative of a broker-dealer, (12) has neither a related person who is a broker-dealer/municipal securities dealer/government securities broker or dealer (registered or unregistered) not one who is an insurance company or agency.

    Database last updated on July 2021.